Archive for the ‘Funny video’ Category

This video has lit up like crazy. When I saw it yesterday it was in the 400,000 range and now it’s over a million. Why can’t I dance like that?


As of time of posting, the video has 1,274,088 hits.

Hyuk hyuk.


As of time of posting, the video has 4,234 hits.

This is hilarious. I have no idea what brought this on, but she will NOT be with a guy until she has a job of her own. Seriously guys, she won’t.

From the page:

my five year old sister is a funny and dramatic girl!! here she is talking about how she doesn’t want to marry a man until she has a job first! Let me know if you want to see more videos of her!!


As of time of posting, the video has 314 hits.

You know the feeling. That shock of citrus, sourness that shoots through your body when you take a bite of grapefruit. This little one is so blow away, she shakes and falls over. The highlight is 10 seconds in.

Penny is 10 months and loves grapefruit, but you wouldn’t be able to tell from her reaction!

Click the image to watch the video.

Good ole Estonia. The guy seems to be totally fine too.

This looks really funny. Click the image to watch the video.

Dog on a sled? Big deal. A dog that pushes a human off the sled and goes for a ride on his own? Adorable. Click the image above.


This is pretty funny. On Jimmy Kimmel’s show, Josh Groban sings some of Kanye West’s tweets. Laughs are abound. Click the image to watch the video.

This is exactly what it seems like. A guy strips and climbs into a baler and comes out as a bale of hay. Seriously. Be aware, you will see his bare bottom, but it’s worth it. Click the image to watch the video.


It always starts out such fun! Click the image to watch the video.
